Results 81 – 88 of 1840 matches
Description: Andrew Phillips in 2017
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Apr 2023
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LAG was very sorry to learn of the death of one of its co-founders and first chair, Andrew Phillips,...
Description: Renters Reform Coalition logo
Description: Tessa Lieven Wright - author
Tessa Lieven Wright (view page)
on Apr 2023
News and comment
In the midst of the renting crisis currently affecting most of Britain, the Renters Reform Coalition...
Description: Parliament (sedmak iStock)
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Apr 2023
News and comment
Alex Chalk KC became lord chancellor and justice secretary following Dominic Raab’s...
Description: Legal aid cropped Librios
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Apr 2023
News and comment
The Law Society has updated its heat maps showing shortages of legal aid provision and launched a...
Description: Lady Justice close up (Hermann Traub_Pixabay)
Description: Roger Smith - author
Roger Smith (view page)
on Apr 2023
News and comment
Policies on legal aid and access to justice have, unsurprisingly, drifted under the rapid succession...
Description: Richard Hazell_Wiltshire Law Centre
Description: Wiltshire Law Centre - author
Wiltshire Law Centre (view page)
on Mar 2023
News and comment
Wiltshire Law Centre bids a fond farewell to senior solicitor Richard Hazell, one of its founder...
Description: Family cropped Librios
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Mar 2023
News and comment
It is now more likely that parents sharing caring arrangements for their children will qualify for...
Description: LALYs logo
Description: LAG
Legal Action Group (view page)
on Mar 2023
News and comment
Nominations for the Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year awards remain open until 24 April 2023.