Last updated: Friday 18 May, 2018
Lead Lawyer Legal Aid

About the Job

This is an exciting opportunity for a dynamic and committed lawyer to take on a new senior role within PLP, and to lead an established and effective work stream at Public Law Project. You will be joining the team at a time of significant and exciting expansion for the organisation.
Legal aid reforms since 2012 have restricted access to justice. PLP’s work in this area aims to mitigate the impact of those reforms, or where possible, extend or re-establish legal aid provision. Whilst the Lead Lawyer is a supervisory role based within PLP’s casework team, the project incorporates research, a national training programme, publishing guides and significant casework, much of which is strategic. The Lead will need to be confident developing a multidisciplinary approach with appropriate support from the wider PLP staff team. The successful candidate will have a thorough knowledge of the legal aid system, ideas about how decision making might be improved. The Lead Lawyer will also manage PLP’s legal aid contract(s).
Although the job is available full or part time, a minimum commitment of (around) four days a week would be expected, though again subject to the correct candidate making a case for their being full or part time.
Deadline for applications: Midnight Weds 30 May 2018
Interviews: Week of 11 June 2018
Here you can find the job pack which includes a job description and person specification.
You'll find the application form here and an equal opportunities monitoring form here, which we would also like you to fill out and return.
Please send applications by email to
If you wish to discuss the role any further (please read the job pack thoroughly first) please contact Ade Lukes
If you want to send a hard copy of the application, please send to Cherelle King RE: Lead Lawyer (Legal Aid), Public Law Project, 150 Caledonian Road, London, N1 9RD. This will need to be with us before midnight 30 May 2018.