Series:Community Care,family and children
Children's Social Care Law
Description: CSCL cover
Children’s Social Care Law is a comprehensive guide for those advising children with care and support needs through a complex web of legislation, guidance and case-law. This invaluable new resource will be essential reading for lawyers, advisers, carers, health and social care professionals, local authorities and regulators.
The author expertly brings together key issues in education, health and social care law in England and Wales and covers in detail all the significant domestic and European cases that form the basis of children’s social care law and cases in overlapping areas such as the NHS, mental health and support for asylum-seekers and persons from abroad. Children's Social Care Law also deals with wider issues that touch upon the welfare of children.
Each chapter begins with an overview of the legal framework of legislation and guidance to provide context to the cases that are digested chronologically within themes. Case summaries are presented with a succinct headnote, a clear outline of facts and a summary of the judgment – often with extensive citations – to aid the busy practitioner to quickly and efficiently identify the most relevant cases as well as save valuable research time with extensive signposting to the most important resources.
Contents include:
Best interests
Equality rights
Services under the Children Act 1989
Children in custody
Children leaving care
Young carers, parent carers and children in transition
Child protection
Local authority general powers
Special educational needs
National Health Service provision
Asylum-seekers and other children from abroad
Learning disability and autism
Decision-making and mental capacity
Human rights
Private law remedies
Judicial review
Regulation of children’s social and health care
Welfare benefits
Children's Social Care Law is a companion volume to Adult Social Care Law .

About the author

Description: Stephen Knafler QC - author
Stephen Knafler KC (1960-2020) was the founder and general editor of the Community Care Law Reports and author of several LAG books.
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