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R (AJ) v Calderdale BC
[2012] EWHC 3552 (Admin), (2013) 16 CCLR 50
9.98R (AJ) v Calderdale BC [2012] EWHC 3552 (Admin), (2013) 16 CCLR 50
There is no reason in principle why service and family members could not participate in evaluation panels to select service providers
Facts: Calderdale ceased its practice of including some service users and family members on the evaluation panels selected bidders for supporting people contracts.
Judgment: Deputy High Court Judge Pelling quashed Calderdale’s decision because it had been founded upon the misunderstanding that its earlier practice was incompatible with the Public Contracts Regulations 2006, or would result in the award criteria not being applied objectively; and Calderdale could not demonstrate that its decision would inevitably have been the same, without this error of law.
R (AJ) v Calderdale BC
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