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IntroductionImmigration caseImmigration case
9.1This chapter deals with work funded under the immigration and asylum category of law. You should read it in conjunction with chapters 3, 4 and 5. Chapter 3 deals with general rules about taking on civil cases, and applies to work in immigration and asylum as it does to all other work. Chapter 4 deals with exceptional cases, many of which are immigration cases. Chapter 5 deals with the rules that apply to the conduct of all civil cases. The immigration and asylum-specific rules in this chapter usually build on, rather than replace, the general rules; where they do replace the general rules in chapters 3 and 5 we will say so.
9.2See appendices H and I for a summary of the Legal Aid Agency’s (LAA’s) Costs Assessment Guidance, in respect of the most common queries raised by caseworkers.
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