Chief coroner calls for legal aid for representation at inquests
Speaking in late July, HHJ Peter Thornton QC, the soon-to-retire chief coroner (to be succeeded from 1 October by HHJ Mark Lucraft QC), has called for legal aid to be extended to families at inquests in which the state pays for the representation of police officers and other government employees.
In comments made in an interview with the Guardian, he said it was not sufficient to rely on lawyers working on a pro bono basis to provide representation in such cases.
■ The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights has expressed concerns about the impact of the changes to legal aid and employment tribunal fees. In Concluding observations on the sixth periodic report of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (E/C.12/GBR/CO/6, 14 July 2016), the committee recommends that the UK government review these reforms to ensure access to justice for disadvantaged and marginalised groups.