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IntroductionLegal aid contractsLegal aid contractsLegal aid contracts
18.1This chapter explains the contract documentation, standard terms and obligations imposed by the Standard Contract and the Civil and Crime Specifications. It also covers how to get additional work under an existing contract and how to get a new contract with the Legal Aid Agency (LAA).
18.2It also refers to some of the other contracts offered by the LAA, such as those for telephone triage and advice (CLA contracts) and Immigration Removal Centre contracts.
18.3It is extremely important to become familiar with what your contract allows you to do and prohibits you from doing, since if you overlook something, you could find yourself served with a contract notice. Clause 24 of the Standard Contract allows for termination in relation to ‘persistent breaches’, that is three breaches of the same term in a 24-month period (or six different breaches), so it is very important to be aware of what you must and must not do.
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